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Energy play with small children

Every night, I lay down with Ulrich in my bed until he's asleep (or my alarm goes off!). The routine starts with our having a brief chat then tends to degenerate into his wanting to play instead of settling down. At this point, I lead by example, laying my head down, closing my eyes and breathing deeply (which is probably one reason I tend to fall asleep at this point).

Once he figures out that mom isn't going to play and continue to interact with him, he usually finds some other occupation that could be playing with his (my old) baby doll, talking to himself or whatever spirit happens to be in the room and so forth. Recently I noticed him playing with his hands, as though he were balling up something then stretching it, running it down his arm then repeating the process. He began taking my hand, which usually gets Reiki-intense when I lay down in bed, and I felt him pull the energy out of my palm and run it up my arm.

This went on for several nights before I decided to experiment. Instead of just allowing the energy to accumulate so he could manipulate it, I began making balls in my palm every time he would pull the previous one out. Each time it was a different color. The ones he has liked the best are those that have been two-tone, like half orange and half purple. I've started experimenting with shapes, also, but he appears to be less impressed with this than he is the colors.

A couple of evenings he has allowed the energy in my hand to build up then has lifted my hand to his face. As the energy has washed over him, he has laughed and pulled my hand away for a recharge. (This "recharge" gives me the opportunity to come up with a new color or whatever and gives him the anticipation of what is coming next.)

Another game we have played with my Reiki energy is for me to close my hand, allow the energy to build up then I loosely shake my fist. I'll hold my fist above his face then open my palm to allow the energy to "rain" on him. If I don't shake my fist, I form a ball instead of "rain," and it "sticks" to my palm. I'll shake my hand to throw off the ball with sound effects, of course.

Ocassionally, I form the ball, make sure he sees it, close my palm to absorb the energy then open my fist to show him that the ball is missing. I'll ask him, "Where'd it go?" These all elicit laughter every time and calls of "'gen, Mama!"

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